Miss Rachel had the opportunity recently to write an article for Tiny Kansans Early Supports (TYKES) as a featured local expert. One area of dance Miss Rachel is hugely passionate about, is preschool aged dance. The preschool age group is so fascinating because they are developing such important skills and hitting such big milestones that are needed to progress on. Dance can help children develop those skills whether it is motor skill, sensory processing skill, emotional skills, and logical skills. One thing we see time and time again is w-sitting.
Why Choose Sunflower State Dance?
Parents Guide: What to do when your dancer says they are hurt?
Why are educated instructors so important?
In so many sports and extra curricular activities, coaches and instructors are not educated at the college level or certified in whatever they are teaching. In most cases this is completely completely fine and the norm in such things as "little league" sports or even some competitive sports. However in dance this should never be the case. Education is extremely important and just as importantly is continuing education and training to always be on top of the game.
What We've Been Up To This Summer
Summer is an important time of year for dancers and teachers in developing their art. Throughout the country countless numbers of programs, conventions, and intensive take place to help performing artists grow. This year all of our instructors at Sunflower State Dance have or are participating in programs to continue their dance education. Check out what we have been up to